Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rooster Bingo!

We have a potential Rooster Glut! What does this mean?
Roosters are great because they can protect your flock, herd them around the yard and give you cute little chicks! They unfortunately crow at all hours day and night, pick fights with other roosters and apparently make unwanted advances on cute little hens when it is least expected or when in front of mixed company!
So, at some point either these birds will lay or they will crow. They layers stay and unfortunately, the crowers go! We may keep one around to see what it is like but most likely we will just keep the females.

Sooooo, we are not quite sure which chickens are roosters in our flock.
Here are the main contenders. Place your bets and hit comment to share your opinions!
(Click on any photo to make it bigger)

Samwise (Cochin):

Named after a fat little docile Hobbit (because of his hairy feet), Sam has a decent comb and waddles and definitely likes to scrap with our next contender Howard. Sam is really sweet and will come to you when you squat down to say "Hello". He is also very brave. He (she) will run up to Bella and check her out while she is lying near by.

Howard (Americaun)!

Howard is our most famous bird. Not only because he was named after a good friend of ours, but he is by far our biggest chicken! His sister Racer 5 is much smaller. His comb is pretty small and his waddles are almost non existent. Their are some saddle feathers but his hackles are pretty rounded (not pointy like a roosters should be). He's pretty scrappy and will keep other chickens in the flock in check by charging at them while they graze in the yard.

This is Itchy(Plymouth Barred Rock):
This is our most blatant rooster. Not that he is bigger or the least bit scrappy, but his sister has a small yellow comb and tiny waddles. Guilty by comparison!

Here is a photo of 5 of our seven birds rolling around and relaxing in the grass. They all get along and they all have great personalities. We'll be sad to see some of them go, but we have a strong desire to continue getting great nights sleep out on the farm and to have a great laying flock!

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